Being Prepared


Nick and Mary, married over 60 years, live independently in the same home in which they raised their 5 children. In preparation for the "what if" situations that life can throw at you, they and their adult children requested a family meeting with a Care Manager (CM) from Pathfinder Care Management. The CM assessed their [...]

Working Caregiver


Sue, as a small business owner, daughter and parent lives a very busy life. In the spring of 2007 her Mom, Mary, had a stroke. Over the course of the next several months, Sue supported her Mom through a maze of complications, rehabilitation stays and recurrent hospitalizations. In July, Sue grew increasingly frustrated and disappointed [...]

Memory Loss


Helen, a widower, retired in her 60's from a 30 year career as a software engineer. Shortly after this, her sisters noticed increasing memory lapses, which Helen attributed to her "retirement". The family became alarmed following several incidents of Helen, who lived alone, losing her keys and locking himself out of his house. Helen's sister [...]